
Lucas Klein avatar image
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Lucas Klein asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Is "model().find" a heavy (computational) code?

How much could the use of the code "model().find" impact in the model performance?

My question is if this code works the same way that a "For" code does, or if it works somehow else lighter. Case it does not, there is another code that could be used instead, looking for improve the code performance?

FlexSim 18.1.1
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matthew Gillespie commented

The find method does involve multiple steps in order to locate the desired node. It does checking for special characters like @, ~, .., +, /, >, ?, LAST etc. It then starts with the top container and loops through the subnodes to find the object with the specified name. If there are additional levels to the find, ie model().find("VisualTool1/Processor1"), then it will continue looping through the next container until it locates the next object.

If you're worried about speed and you're using the find command with static names ie model().find("Processor1"), you have a few different options to increase the speed (listed in order of speed):

  1. Global Variables: Create a global variable for your object. You can then reference that object with the global variable name anywhere in code or a picklist.
  2. Port Connections: Connect objects up using port connections then reference objects by rank. current.centerObjects[1]
  3. Labels: Labels on objects, items or tokens can store references to other objects. To access the object use dot syntax, current.MyObject or token.MyObject
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