
Sebastien avatar image
Sebastien asked Steven C7 commented

Multiprocessor with some separate processes inbetween

Hello everyone,

I am trying to create an assembly table with a multiprocessor where almost all the assembly operations are done. Two operations have to be done separately on another machine (a processor). I would like to define that after the third process of the multiprocessor, the item is going to processor1 and when coming back from processor1, goes directly to process 4 of the multiprocessor. Is it possible without having 2 multiprocessors ?

I tried to send the item to a port after a specific number of process with the parameter opnum but it is not working.

Best regards,

FlexSim 18.1.2
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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·

@Sébastien B2

You need uploading your issue model to your question.

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Sebastien avatar image Sebastien David Seo commented ·

Here it is.

Process 1,2,3 from the multiprocessor are first. Then the assembly goes (should go) to the press and comes back for the process 4 in the multiprocessor before going to the sink.


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simulaion-trial.fsm (23.6 KiB)
tannerp avatar image tannerp Sebastien commented ·

If I understand correctly, the first time that the item enters the multiprocessor it will go through processes 1-3. Then the item is taken to Processor1 and returned to the multiprocessor. After going through Processor1 the item only needs the 4th process in the multiprocessor and then is finished. Does this sound correct? If so, I would recommend using process flow to determine processes and times.

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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann answered Steven C7 commented

Wouldn´t this be the easiest solution?

Just count how often the item was on Multiprocessor and if it is there the first time set all Processtimes of processes higher 3 to 0. If it arrives the second time set all Processtimes of processes lower 4 to 0.

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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·

Yes. Your explained concept is right. But...

I also want to know how to control it using script.

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Steven C7 avatar image Steven C7 David Seo commented ·

Hi @Seung Yong Seo, were you able to figure out the solution using script? I am trying to solve a similar issue as well. Thanks!

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Sebastien avatar image Sebastien commented ·

Yes, it looks like an easy solution. But there is no way to not go through the other processes of the multiprocessor ?

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Sebastien avatar image
Sebastien answered Sebastien commented

Sorry,I had to "unaccept" the answer and reopen the subject. The solution you proposed works for the process itself, I mean the flowitem are being processed as they should. But now each time a flowitem goes out of the multiprocessor, it counts it as an output although it comes back for the further processes inside the multiprocessor and is counted again as output once it goes out again.

That means that I have for instance 4 outputs on the multiprocessor with one flowitem going out of the machines 4 times . I know I could change the outputs afterwards for the dashboards by divinding it by 4 in a global table but I would like to know if there wasn't any cleaner solution for not counting the flowitem as output each times it goes out ?

Thank you for your help.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

I am sorry to be crude. The item leaves the object, then the output statistic MUST count this event.

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Sebastien avatar image Sebastien Joerg Vogel commented ·

Ok, thank you for the answer.

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