
fan YT avatar image
fan YT asked jing.c answered

How to make TaskExecuterFlowItem pick boxes from a rack

Hello Flexsim great community,

I'm trying to make taskexecuterflowitem pick boxes in the rack.

I have try to put inserttask commands in the OnMessenger trigger of the queue,but it just doesn't work.


FlexSim 7.5.4
network nodetask executer flowitemrack flowinserttask
pick-in-rack.fsm (25.8 KiB)
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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

I'm not expert in this area, especially using FlexSim 7, but you may reference this post as a place to start.

There is also a section of the User Manual that contains Task Sequence Tutorials. You may find these useful.

Lastly, I'd recommend upgrading your FlexSim to a newer version, if possible, so that you have access to Process Flow. Using Process Flow allows you to reduce the amount of code necessary to run your models as well as obtain better visual representations of your processes.

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jing.c avatar image
jing.c answered

Hi @fan YT

It would be quite simple to make it use list push&pull with ProcessFlow.

Though you use FlexSim7.5, you should use commnad "movetasksequence" and "dispatchtasksequence" to pass the task to taskexecuterFlowitem and execute it.

I add a dispatcher to store all the tasks form rack, and then in the OnEntry trigger of Queue to pick the task from dispatcher.


May it helps~

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