
Mokhtar M avatar image
Mokhtar M asked Joshua S commented

i want to create a model like this picture for TANG juice ?

FlexSim 18.0.7
filling machine line
download.jpg (525.4 KiB)
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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S commented ·

Can you be more specific with your question? Do you need help with modeling logic or replacing 3D shapes?

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Mokhtar M avatar image Mokhtar M Joshua S commented ·

3D shape model for mixing machine for 3 items and then go to be filled in 4 tank to be changed when it's done and then the operator brings the other tanks to filling machine with conveyor of jars to be filled with this tanks

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S Mokhtar M commented ·

@Mokhtar M

You can change the shape of FlexSim's objects to the shape of your 3D model you want them to be by going into the General tab and browsing for your 3D model on your computer.

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pic1.png (32.7 KiB)

1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered

@Mokhtar M

You can make the model of your question like real visual and behavior using FLexSim.

In first, you need to ask the more detail question you need. And if the model you making is attached, it will help to solve your issue of the logic in the model.

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