
Chris Smith avatar image
Chris Smith asked Chris Smith commented

How do I add a texture to a mesh when using the mesh API

I have been unable to figure out how to add a texture to a mesh when using the mesh API. I assume adding a texture is possible as it is my understanding that the mesh API is used for drawing conveyor objects.

The mesh I am drawing is being drawn and shows the correct ambient and diffuse colors if I use fglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D). The example in the following question seems to use that to disable the texture rendering to display those colors:

I have tried using bindtexture, but it doesn't seem to display the provided texture. If anyone has any examples or tips on how to get the texture to show, then that would be appreciated.

FlexSim 18.2.2
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Chris Smith commented

Add texture coordinates to your vertices and then bind the texture before drawing the mesh:


mesh-texture.png (206.1 KiB)
· 1
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