
Estephe DLDL avatar image
Estephe DLDL asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Assign a specialty to a MD


I am currently working on a model of an hospital. I'm simulating operating rooms, and I would like to assign a specialty to each MD I have, so that when a patient comes in, he has to do a particular operation which requires a particular specialty. I don't know how I can assign this specialty to my MDs but also to the patients that come in, so that the good doctor comes and not another one.

FlexSim HC (other - please specify)
FlexSim 18.1.1
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered

Assigning staff specialties

The easiest way to do this is to create separate groups for the different specialties. So if you want certain doctors to be Urologists, you should make a new group, name it Urologists, set it's parent group to be Staff, and then add the doctors you want to that group. I would also remove those doctors from their other group (unless you want them to be considered members of both groups). Then in the model, if you determine that the patient specifically needs a Urologist, you should acquire a staff member from the Urologists group.

Only one patient arrival

In your Patient Arrivals process flow you have a Scheduled Source activity that only has one arrival schedule. You can add more scheduled arrivals in the properties of that activity, or you could use one of the other source activities if you want a different arrival style. For example, the Inter-arrival time source activity creates a stream of tokens, one per interval.

OR states

Yes, states on Location objects haven't yet been implemented. The people module objects are still under development and won't have states until at least FlexSim 19.0. You can set the states yourself by using the Object.setState() method. Or you could switch to FlexSim HC as Clair offered here,

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