
Horn H avatar image
Horn H asked Horn H commented

One processor pushs to two ItemLists


I have two Lists in process flow,List1 and List2 . I create two different ItemLists,and I have two different sources connect to single processor .I want the processor can push two different ItemLists to two different Lists,then set priority of pushing them ,Example I want processor push ItemList1 to List1 first,then push ItemList2 to List2 after that . Is there any possible way to do this?please assist me.



FlexSim 19.0.0
push to itemlist
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered Horn H commented

You can do this in the triggers for the processor. This allows you to do several actions in the sequence you desire.

pic1.png (11.0 KiB)
· 4
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Horn H avatar image Horn H commented ·

How can I set sequence that it has to push to ItemList1 first ,push to ItemList2 second?

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S Horn H commented ·

This model has your Processor push the items to the lists in the sequence you want, I added a queue because as soon as you sink an item, the list won't have anything to reference.


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Horn H avatar image Horn H Joshua S commented ·

@Joshua S That works very well .Thank you in advance for your help.

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S Horn H commented ·

the first one does list 1, then the second one does list 2.

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