
MarianCretu avatar image
MarianCretu asked Braydn T answered

Hold a token until a label get a special value

Hello all,

I have a worker 1 that takes Boxes from a conveyor and puts them on a Queue.

I have another worker 2 that puts a container on the Queue for the worker 1 to put boxes.

I want worker 1 to put boxes only when there is a container on the Queue.

The condition is token.queue.subnodes.legnth == 1 .

I tried to use Decide activity but this doesn't check the label value until it reaches 1 (it only checks it once).

Please advise.


FlexSim 19.1.1
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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered


Instead of using a decide, you could use a wait for event, with the event being OnContentChange, and increase to 1. This should work based on what you have described, but I have not seen all of your process flow to see for sure. If you could upload your model so we could take a closer look that would be appreciated. Thanks!

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