
Patrick Crowley avatar image
Patrick Crowley asked Patrick Crowley edited

Activities being deleted and connections appearing in Process Flow


I am having what appears to be a strange bug when I run a process flow driven simulation. As the sim runs, activities disappear from process flow and connection appear to nowhere. Most of them have "NULL" as their FROM port.

The only errors that appear are about half an hour sim time after the random connections start appearing. Any help diagnosing what is going on here would be appreciated.



  1. time: 2520.050000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist(). Throwing.
  2. time: 2520.050000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::steptotime(). Throwing.
  3. time: 2520.050000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::tick(). Throwing.
  4. time: 2520.050000 exception: int runthemessageloop() #4
  5. exception: Executive::instance.tick();
  6. time: 2520.050000 exception: int runthemessageloop() #6
FlexSim 19.1.1
process flowbugconnectionsactivity
before.png (128.9 KiB)
after.png (138.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

You have several unload activities that are unloading current.first. In a general flow current.first is the first process flow activity. So you're moving activities out of the process flow and into the model.

This is breaking your process flow and polluting the 3D model. For example you have 6 process flow activities inside C37 Exit Conveyor. You need to search through the process flow and remove all references to current. I'm assuming you copied sections of activities from an instanced flow.

I would also recommend you simplify your process flows by using sub flows / instanced flows to reduce the total number of activities in the model. It looks like you have a lot of repeated activities/logic which complicates the model and makes it very easy to make mistakes or forget to update parts of the model.

currentfirst.png (53.5 KiB)
5 |100000

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