
Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel asked Joerg Vogel commented

Convert rack bays treenode to tables

The dimensions were for the rack object in previous versions of FlexSim 19 built as tables. In FlexSim 19 the structure has been integrated into the node "bays". I would like to extract by table queries the old tables for content, size and location from this new structure.


FlexSim 19.1.0
rackattributesconvert tree to tablequery rack
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

I can get the cell reference by flattening the structure

  1. treenode Bays = getvarnode(Model.find("Rack1"), "bays");
  2. Table newt = Table.query("SELECT $3 AS Cell FROM $1x$2 ORDER BY Cell ASC",
  3. /*$1*/ Bays,
  4. /*$2*/ $iter(1).find("cells"),
  5. /*$3*/ $iter(2).subnodes["loc"].up
  6. );
  7. newt.cloneTo(Table("dump"));

IMPORTANT: I must set a ORDER BY clause after the flattening otherwise the query returns as result <No Data> for all cells.

Flexsim 19.2:

  1. treenode Bays = getvarnode(Model.find("Rack1"), "bays");
  2. Table newt = Table.query("SELECT $4 AS Slot FROM $1x$2x$3 ORDER BY Slot ASC",
  3. /*$1*/ Bays,
  4. /*$2*/ $iter(1).find("levels"),
  5. /*$3*/ $iter(2).find("slots"),
  6. /*$4*/ $iter(3).subnodes["loc"].up );
  7. newt.cloneTo(Table("dump"));

The global table "dump" contains references of every slot in a rack. You can get access by evaluating the Variant of a table cell of "dump" for deeper nodes by the method find(string path) and with the property up for higher nodes.

Storage System all racks since 19.2:

  1. treenode qnode = Model.find("Tools/StorageSystem>variables/storageObjects");
  2. Table t1 = Table.query("SELECT $5 AS Node, $6 AS Slot, $7 AS Level, $8 AS Bay, $9 AS Rack FROM $1x$2x$3x$4"
  3. ,qnode                   
  4. ,getvarnode(ownerobject(Model.find($iter(1).value.getPath(model()))),"bays") 
  5. ,$iter(2).find("levels")
  6. ,$iter(3).find("slots") 
  7. /*$5 slot node*/ ,$iter(4).subnodes["loc"].up 
  8. /*$6 slot  num*/ ,$iter(4).subnodes["loc"].up.rank 
  9. /*$7 level num*/ ,$iter(3).rank 
  10. /*$8 bay   num*/ ,$iter(2).rank 
  11. /*$9 rack node*/ ,ownerobject($iter(2))                   
  12. );
  13. t1.cloneTo(Table("dump"));  
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