
Akshay P avatar image
Akshay P asked Joerg Vogel answered

Excel import error

imp-error.pngHi all,

I have been trying to build a simulator for testing multiple factory automation setups. For this purpose, the first step is to import data from an excel file that I have that contains the schedule that needs to be followed to execute a lot. I have been trying to use the import function to get the file, but I have continuously been getting an error (see attached image). As the information is sensitive, I can not share the file, but can anyone tell me what could be the probable cause of this error. I am fairly new to flexsim, so this might be a ridiculous question to ask, but any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Akshay Pundir

FlexSim 19.1.1
simulationexcel importexcelimporting data from excel file to source
imp-error.png (227.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You said, you want to import schedule data. In this case try to import a single column of datetime data from an excel file. If you succeed you can build around that the data structure you want to assign to labels. It is a good practice to give FlexSim a data structure that the import filter can read. The import filter isn't clever enough to guess what you want to happen with the data in your table inside of FlexSim.

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