
Robert F2 avatar image
Robert F2 asked tannerp answered

Robot utilization charts

frxfileserv1dncpersonal-foldersrobert-flatteryflex.fsmI need to include a chart that shows the utilization of robots in my simulation. I am currently using a State Bar in the Dashboard, but I only want the graph to show idle vs. utilized (anytime the robot is performing an action). The state bars do not seem to be correct as they are but I do not know see how to correct this.

Thanks for any help.

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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Hi @Robert F2,

This is possible by using the template for the State Bar Chart that can be installed by clicking the Install button shown here:

Once you've done this, it will have created a State Bar Flow and a State Bar Collector that gather data based on a Tracked Variable in the flow. We want to track when the object is "Idle", "Utilized", or "Excluded" (which includes activities such as "OFF SCHEDULE" and "ON BREAK"). To do this, we create 3 columns in our State Bar Collector:

These columns listen to the Tracked Variable value "total time at" for both Utilization and Exclusion. Here's the utilization function:

Once we have these values in a table, it's just a matter of setting up the bar chart to reflect the appropriate columns in the table. I left the table up in the attached model so you can see it. I set up a MTBF/MTTR that puts the robot into an "off shift", or "excluded", state, just to show that it's possible to track that. You can ultimately decide which states are included and utilized, though. Let me know if you have any questions about the example model.


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