
Conner F avatar image
Conner F asked Jeanette F edited

How to make 3 processors stop if one of them breaksdown?

I have a simple setup of a source, queue, 3 processors and then a sink. The processors are part of the same mtbr table and breakdown at the defined rates individually. How can I make it so that if one of the processors happens to breaks down then the other 2 processors will also stop until the first processor is back up and running? I have tried using the breakdown trigger in the mtbr table but have not figured out how to make them all breakdown when the first one goes down.

FlexSim 19.2.0
processormtbf mttrbreakdown
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1 Answer

Conner F avatar image
1 Like"
Conner F answered Jeanette F edited

I figured out my problem, there is a button to do this that I overlooked

· 2
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