
Emmanuel Herrera avatar image
Emmanuel Herrera asked Abrahamz edited

How can to simulate packed items reverse logistics?

Hello, I am currently working on a model where the items are packed devices in a box and I need to unpack and send the box to trash on the first level conveyor and send the device on the second level conveyor.

I am currently using a combiner in order to simulate items arrivng in a packaged box. Afterwrads ther is an inspection where they only decide whether its good or not good.

Afterwards I am using a separtor to send the box on first level conveyor and send the device to second level conveyor.

However I need help on a reverse logistics example where it simulates packed packages and unpacking on a station and sending the box for recycling and sending the device to a queue.


FlexSim 19.1.1
conveyorscombinerslogisticsreverse logisticsseprators
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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Hi @Emmanuel Herrera,

I understood the basic idea that you were getting at of separating the items and sending them to different conveyors, but the details weren't quite descriptive enough to know exactly where and how you wanted each process performed. I have updated your model to include a basic Process Flow example of how you could perform the separation to different conveyors. See if this works and then we can maybe try and implement it in your model.

The biggest things to note are the use of Decision Points and Process Flow activities to trigger these kinds of model controls. Hopefully they make sense to you, but let me know if you need any explanations.


split-package.fsm (735.5 KiB)
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Abrahamz avatar image
Abrahamz answered Abrahamz edited

To set up reverse logistics in your model:

  1. Inbound Flow: Use a combiner to simulate packed items arriving in boxes.
  2. Inspection: Check each item at the station to decide if it’s “Good” or “Not Good.”
  3. Unpacking: Use a separator to unpack items, sending the boxes to the first-level conveyor for recycling and the devices to the second-level conveyor.
  4. Handling Defective Items: Route defective devices from the second conveyor back to a repacking or recycling station, or send them to a specific queue for further action.
  5. Add Delays and Buffers: To keep the flow realistic, include delays or queues for unpacking, inspection, or handling defective items.

Make sure the flow is smooth and routes align with recycling or repacking.

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