
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico asked Phil BoBo edited

Scroll bar in a GUI

Hello! How can I assign a scroll bar to a GUI? I have a GUI with enough information vertically and horizontally. I'm interested in knowing how to add a scroll bar horizontally and vertically to the GUI window.

FlexSim 19.1.2
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Attached (scroll-panel.fsm) is a sample model with a scrolling panel. (The model was originally built in 5.1.2, but it opens and works fine in 19.2.4.)

How to work with it:
The last widget within the "scrollpanel" panel should be a panel with whatever widgets you want in it. If that panel's size is larger than the size of the "scrollpanel", then the scroll bars will appear (one or both depending on the x and y sizes of the panels). If after resizing the panels, one of the scrollbars appears or disappears, you may have to refresh the window with F5 twice to get the scrollbars to be the correct sizes.

Copy the widgets into your model's GUI and put your widgets into thepanel instead of the example ones.

scroll-panel.fsm (13.1 KiB)
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