
sara S2 avatar image
sara S2 asked sara S2 commented

In which version of FlexSim could I find nurses and patients beds?


I want to model some hospital processes in FlexSim and not FlexSim HC; because I need also industrial objects (conveyors, combiners ...). Currently, I am working on FlexSim version 19.0.0 where I cannot find some objects like intensive care ward beds (that are different from exam table) and nurses.

I would like to know what is the FlexSim version that offers those objects?

Thank you.

FlexSim 19.0.0
flexsim objects
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered sara S2 commented

@sara S2

If you want to run HC in FlexSim not FlexSim HC, you need to use FlexSim update 1 (2019.1.0 ~ later). In the right up corner of it, there is a icon menu to switch environment .

You can find the Express Edition 19.1.6 in Click 'more version' button and you can find it. If you want to use a student license (a semester free usage), please contact your country distributor.

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sara S2 avatar image sara S2 commented ·

Thank you @Seung Yong Seo for your reply.

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sara S2 avatar image sara S2 commented ·

@Seung Yong Seo where could I find the free version of FlexSim update 1 (19.1.0) please?

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Mischa Spelt avatar image Mischa Spelt sara S2 commented ·

Older versions like 19.1.0 are available to licensed Enterprise-users who have a requirement for a specific version.

If you don't specifically need 19.1.0 but just want a version with healthcare modelling capabilities, I would just go with the latest version that you can download from your account (definitely 20.0.0 and probably also 19.2.x).

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sara S2 avatar image sara S2 Mischa Spelt commented ·

Okay, thank you @Mischa Spelt

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