
Jordan G avatar image
Jordan G asked zacharyh commented

Is there a way for a AGV to move source material from queue to queue?


I am currently using FlexSim to simulate AGVs in my factory. I want to have an AGV move material from one queue to another. However, all tutorials online show AGVs moving from queue to sink. Is there a way for a AGV to move source material from queue to queue? If so, how/can you send a tutorial link?

Thank you,

Jordan Gross

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered tannerp edited

Hi @Jordan G,

You can send material from any object to any other object. If you have things set up to take the material from the queue to the sink already, simply exchange the sink for a queue and reconnect the objects. The key is using the objects' flow options to send the objects where they need to go.

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