I am getting the following error on resetting the simulation. I am able to create the chart for state tracking and run. On further reset the chart does not display anything with the following error...I am not using the staff function at all as most of the simulation is in process flow
exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction400__project_library_statistics_ChartTemplate_behavior_eventfunctions_onPostSave object: /Tools/PeopleTables/StaffAvailability class: MAIN:/project/library/statistics/ChartTemplate exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() c++/dll execution. Throwing...
MAIN:/project/library/statistics/ChartTemplate>behavior/eventfunctions/onPostSave c: /Tools/PeopleTables/StaffAvailability thisClass: MAIN:/project/library/statistics/ChartTemplate exception: FlexScript exception: VIEW:/nodefunctions/savemodelrestore