
SudheerReddy avatar image
SudheerReddy asked Jordan Johnson edited

Retrieval Items from Floor Storage

I am trying to fill the items in Floor Storage in blue arrow direction but I need to retrieve items from red arrow direction. How to achieve this?

I am attaching the model for reference


FlexSim 20.0.0
floor storage
fr.jpg (38.9 KiB)
floorstorage.fsm (39.7 KiB)
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SudheerReddy avatar image SudheerReddy commented ·

@jordan.johnson Could you please have a look into this

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Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson edited

If you are using the storage object as an FR flow, then the task sequences will be sent to the operator in the order the items arrive.

I made two models. Both change the floor storage to push those task sequences to a list. The first uses the operator's OnResourceAvailable trigger to pull the task sequence from the list. However, this means that the operator chooses a task sequence when it is far away from the floor storage. One solution to this issue would be to use the OnUnload trigger as @Jörg Vogel suggests. My second uses a process flow to first have the operator travel to the floor storage, and then choose a task sequence.

Both models sort the list by age, so that the newest task sequence is chosen first.



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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

My approach pushes the transport tasksequences onto a tasksequence list. I add fields for the item in the transport tasksequence for the bay, level and rank of slot to the list:

for example expression field bay:

TaskSequence ts = value;
Storage.Item item = Storage.Item(ts.tasks[2].involved1);
return item.currentSlot.bayID;

Operator On Resource Available - Pull from List: I pull from the list ORDERED BY bay, level, rank DESC.

But this trigger fires right after unloading so I add another trigger to the operator to delay the On Resource Available. OnUnload I send the operator to the rack. Then he pulls from the list to get a new tasksequence to execute.


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