
Javier PL avatar image
Javier PL asked Jon Abbott commented

Newline string command for presentation slides text?

Hi all,

I have some presentation slides with some labels attached so that every time they are updated, the text in the slide reads them and automatically updates itself. The point is, I would like to concatenate these different labels within the same text object/display, in a way that every label is written in a different line. However, so far I haven't found the typical "newline" command in the doc to solve this, and neither the \n \r appear to solve the issue cause they do not work out.

Setting up new texts nodes and separating them is another possibility, but just configuring one object which reads all the labels and write them would make everything simpler.

Here's the code of the "Text Display" field, to let you have an idea (obviously the "\n" are not working at all").

  1. Object current = ownerobject(c);
  2. treenode textnode = param(1);
  3. /***popup:DisplayText*/
  4. /**Display Text*/
  6. /** \nText: */
  7. string text = /***tag:text*//**/current.up.text1 + "\n" + current.up.text2 + "\n" + current.up.text3/**/;
  9. textnode.value = text;
  11. return 1;

Thanks in advance,


FlexSim 19.0.2
textnewlinenew linepresentation slidesslides
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Jon Abbott commented

The 3D text object only draws one line of text. If you want to draw multiple lines, you need to use multiple 3D text objects.

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