
King-Ki F avatar image
King-Ki F asked Regan Blackett commented

Token Flow in Push and Pull From List


I'm not understanding how Push to List and Pull from List works. In the subflow "Batch Prep" within the attached model, I push a token to the List and used the Max Wait Time to continue through my process flow. In another subflow "Tote Delivery", I pull from the list.

I wanted to use this method with a resource so I could only pull from the list when a resource is available. However, it seems like all the tokens in my list are pulled. Why does this happen when I've only specified I want 1 QTY to be pulled out?


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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Regan Blackett commented
Are you intending for the tokens Pushed in the subflow to continue being entries even after the max wait time fires? Because right now the timer is expiring which automatically removes them as entries from the list. Check the 'Keep on List on Early Release' check box instead.

This might introduce another problem though as these are child tokens, which means when they hit the finish activity in that subflow they won't actually finish, as we don't usually let you destroy tokens (like a Finish or Sink would) that are still interacting with a shared asset like a List.

You may need to have those tokens push something other than themselves onto the list in order for the children to properly finish but also keep something on the list. For example, rather than saying the "Push Value" property on the push activity is 'token', maybe it should be 'token.item'?
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