
Libby avatar image
Libby asked Phil BoBo edited

Run FlexSim models by remote server

Hi everyone,

I have a algorithm program that output parameters and run on a Linux OS. I'm trying to find solution about the algorithm program calling the simulation model remotely and giving those parameters for FlexSim model, after simulation FlexSim will send some result data back to the algorithm program.

I've got a .bat file to start the FlexSim, but how to run it via a Linux OS?Can anyone gives me some tips or demo model?

FlexSim 19.1.1
flexsim 19.1.1
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

You can execute FlexSim from a command line:

How to execute command line functions on a Windows PC from a Linux PC is beyond the scope of FlexSim technical support. That's not a FlexSim question; that's a Linux question. For example:

The easiest way to communicate with FlexSim on a different machine is to use HTTP requests to the FlexSim WebServer, and have the WebServer start instances of FlexSim and communicate with them.


You can do a whole lot more with the FlexSim WebServer than just viewing the default page of a model from a web browser. It can facilitate any kinds of communication with FlexSim via HTTP.

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