
Mayra Itzel RR avatar image
Mayra Itzel RR asked Benjamin W2 commented

How can I put two different speeds in one crane?

The idea is to put two different speeds one when you have a load and the other when you are not loading anything
FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0crane
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
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Benjamin W2 answered Benjamin W2 commented

Hi @Mayra Itzel RR,

I think you are looking for the "On Load" and "On Unload" triggers for the crane. In this example model,

I added the following line to the "On Load" trigger: Model.find("Crane1>variables/cranespeeds/Gantry/1").value = 0.5

And the following to the "On Unload" trigger: Model.find("Crane1>variables/cranespeeds/Gantry/1").value = 200.

This seems to work pretty well.


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Mayra Itzel RR avatar image Mayra Itzel RR commented ·

@ benjamin.w2 I did not understand. Iwant to put two different speeds

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Benjamin W2 avatar image Benjamin W2 Mayra Itzel RR commented ·

@mayra_itzel.rr you can set them to whatever speeds you would like. One way to do that would be to set a label on the crane called craneSpeed, then reference that label when you set the speed:

  1. Model.find("Crane1>variables/cranespeeds/Gantry/1").value = current.craneSpeed
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Mayra Itzel RR avatar image Mayra Itzel RR commented ·

@benjamin.w2 I did not understand, I want two speeds on the crane?

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Benjamin W2 avatar image Benjamin W2 Mayra Itzel RR commented ·

You can have 2 speeds on the crane using this method.

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