
Qiana C avatar image
Qiana C asked Qiana C commented

Model sources to emulate delivery times

If I know that deliveries only occur in the morning, and approximately 10-20 deliveries occur each day, and there are about 10-20 minutes between each delivery, and 100 items arrive for each delivery, how would I model that in FlexSim? I want to use a distribution to model the number of expected deliveries per day and the average time between deliveries. Also, I want to cycle through a set of different labels for each arrival to represent a different product being delivered.

How would I model this delivery schedule in FlexSim?

FlexSim 20.1.0
sourceflexsim 20.1.0statistical distributionsource schedulescheduling
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Qiana C commented

I would create a single token by a daytime source every day. There is a label at The token which tells me how many items are still available to arrive on this day. Then I let the token loop through a process, which delays the token and calls a subflow, which I use to create a random number of items By this number I reduce the label value at the token. If the label value reaches zero at a day I destroy the token..

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