
Francisco V4 avatar image
Francisco V4 asked Ben Wilson commented

Why basicTE doesnt move?

carga camiones.fsmI assign a basicTE to move pallet to truck but it doesnt move.

FlexSim 20.2.2
flexsim 20.2.2task executers
carga-camiones.fsm (122.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Begoña Espiñeira avatar image
Begoña Espiñeira answered Begoña Espiñeira edited

Hi @Francisco V4, you can try using a Travel to object activity so that the BasicTE moves correctly:

I have attached the model with this change, I hope it helps you!

1604302468178.png (90.4 KiB)
carga-camiones-1.fsm (122.4 KiB)
5 |100000

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