
Thomas JR avatar image
Thomas JR asked Thomas JR commented

Is it possible to append Table.query table to some global table?

Title. Currently I simply manually add rows to the global table and fill in each table entry but it is quite slow.

FlexSim 20.2.3
global tableflexsim 20.2.3sql query
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Steven Hamoen commented

@Thomas JR It looks there is not a single method you can use, but it is not too complex to write a simple for loop that loops through the result of your query and copies the information to a table.

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Roi Sánchez avatar image
1 Like"
Roi Sánchez answered Thomas JR commented

Hi @Thomas JR, take a look at the cloneTo() method. You can easily clone the result of a query to a Global Table.

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