
Martin B6 avatar image
Martin B6 asked Martin B6 commented

AVG-Tugger with process flow?


my goal is to integrate a timed AVG-Tugger that delivers the order from the shelf to assembly at specific times. For that, I have stored a list that defines when the order is completely stored in the warehouse (StoredOrderItems). However, the order can only be delivered when it is completely stored on the shelf. I have tried to integrate the AVG process flow template and am having difficulties. The AVG starts the transport as soon as an item is on the rack. How can I control the AVG so that it only starts picking when the order is complete? Furthermore, how is it possible to connect the AVG with two pallets so that more orders could be placed? Like a tugger?

Model attached Entwurf_11_ishape_2.fsm

Thanks a lot!!


FlexSim 20.2.3
process flowrackflexsim 20.2.3global listavg
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Martin B6 commented

Hello @Martin B6,

I am having a hard time knowing when your order is considered complete, so I don't know when to insert the new activity. I can still explain what you need to change and implement into your model.

Currently, you have the output on the racks set to push the item to the AGVWork list which will tell the AGV it has items to pick up. Instead, set the output of your racks to Do Not Release Item and insert a Push to List activity in your process flow when your order is complete.

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