
ana.pc2 avatar image
ana.pc2 asked ana.pc2 commented

How to keep reevaluating pull requierement after no more on ready items

Hi everybody!

How are you? I have a question regarding the pull requirement. I have a custom code to evaluate the next item on a queue, and if the item doesn't pass the requireemnt, then it will wait for the PULL_REEVALUATE_ON READY.

But I have noticed (or that is what I think because my model gets on a infinite loop and the queue doesn't call anything more) that once there are no more ready items, the queue doesn't recall the oldest items waiting to be ckeched again for the pull requirement, how can I do to keep evalauting with the old ones that are waiting to be pulled too?

I hope it makes sense what I am trying to say... or if I am understading something wrong, please let me know.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks :)


FlexSim 20.2.3
flexsim 20.2.3pull requirementreevaluate
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered ana.pc2 commented

There are mechanisms to initiate the pull function over all available items.

  • close then open input in receiving object
  • close then open output from releasing object

over distinct item

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