
Aditya S3 avatar image
Aditya S3 asked Ryan Clark edited

Is there a way to listen to flexsim model changes in real time?

I know one can use FlexScript to query the model at a particular instance but I am not sure if it is possible to listen to changes in the model as they appear. Flexscript works like any query language, whenever we hit the query with query builders, it returns back the response from it. So if one has to listen to changes with Flexscript in realtime, one has to query the model every few milliseconds depending on the model speed. Is there another way around where we can build something which will broadcast the changes happening in the Flexsim model to the outside of FlexSim? Please help.

@joshuas @arun.k @joerg.v @phil.b @jacob.g @matt.l @jordan.j @david.c @steven.h @benjaminwilson @jeff.n

FlexSim 21.1.0
flexscriptflexsim 21.1.0flexsim realtime
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Ryan Clark edited

That sounds more like an application for using the emulation module with OPC-UA to export key variables to which other processes can subscribe.

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