
César AHQ avatar image
César AHQ asked Jason M5 commented

Trust Flags: **BROKEN** HOST (Concurrent License)

After a windows server reinstall, our license stopped working.
I checked the ServerActUtil that we use to active the license and got this
"Trust Flags: **BROKEN** HOST"

I tried to reactive the license since this is the fix for stand-alone licenses, but it didn't worked, got this error.

  1. Generating transfer request using:
  2.     Activation ID = puertocoronel.cl01-****-*****-*****-FTENT20.0
  3.     Expiration = PERMANENT
  4.     Count = 1
  5. Status: 4, Creating request
  6. Status: 5, Request created
  7. Status: 6, Context created
  8. Status: 7, Connected to remote server
  9. Status: 8, Request Sent
  10. Status: 9, Polling for response
  11. Status: 11, Done
  12. Operations error: 7288    The activation of the fulfillment is denied by the activation policy for activation ID puertocoronel.cl01-*****-*****-*****-FTENT20.0 because Fulfill count exceeded the available seat count.. [Incident# 2727-784219]

So next, I tried to return and repair the license, both without sucess.


  1. Status: 4, Creating request
  2. Status: 6, Context created
  3. Status: 7, Connected to remote server
  4. Status: 8, Request Sent
  5. Status: 9, Polling for response
  6. Status: 11, Done
  7. Operations error: 7581  Online return/repair request for the activation ID puertocoronel.cl01-*****-*****-*****-FTENT20.0 is not originated from the original client machine. [Incident# 4716-714224]


  1. WARNING: No licenses in Trusted Storage

We have 2 licenses, 1 for FlexTerm 20.0 (Includes Flexsim 21.1) and 1 for OptQuest. The OptQuest license just got an upgrade so I upgraded it today, and that resets the seats, but I haven't install that new license yet, I'll wait until we fix this broken host issue.

Thanks in advance for the help.

FlexSim 21.1.0
flexsim 21.1.0flexterm
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1 Answer

alan.zhang avatar image
alan.zhang answered

Hi Cesar,

We will contact you directly to resolve this issue.



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