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Public bus demo model


Last year a teacher asked me how to simulate public bus transportation, so I created a small sample model of a bus line in Nantes (France). Although all input and output data in the model are labeled in French, I thought that it could be nice to share it here with the worldwide community as 3D visualization is a universal language.

Here is the model updated for FlexSim 2023: public_bus_23_0.fsm


To set the travel times between the bus stops, and the stop times, I used the bus timetable that was available online in this document: Depliant-L-95-Web-2e.pdf

You can check in the simulation if your bus arrives on time:


Among the parameters, you can set how many buses are available at each terminus at the beginning. Be careful, if you don't have enough buses, you will not be able to stick to the timetable !

The road is built with network nodes. A checkbox allows you to show/hide the map. A listbox allows you to switch between the 3 network view modes (all details shown / edges only / hide all network).


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clair.augsburger contributed to this article

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