
Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo posted

Attention Module Developers: FlexSim 17.0.4 Requires Module Recompilation

We normally try not to introduce changes in a bug-fix release that require module developers to recompile their modules using new flexsimcontent headers.

However, 17.0.4 included a bug-fix that added a virtual method on the SimpleDataType, which changes the virtual tables of any classes that inherit from that class.

Because of this change, you will need to update your flexsimcontent and recompile your modules in order for them to work properly with 17.0.4. We apologize for this inconvenience.

We have added a "v17.0" branch to the Module SDK repository that includes the updated flexsimcontent that you will need to compile for 17.0.4.

module sdkmodule sdk header filesannouncement
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phil.bobo contributed to this article

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