The ideal way to access the User Manual is by viewing an electronic copy either online or inside the software.
Online User Manual
The User Manual is available online at There you can select a software version and manual language. We hope to provide additional languages in the future.
In-software User Manual
There are two ways to open the manual inside FlexSim:
- Click the User Manual button on the main toolbar.
- Click the Help menu and then click User Manual.
Why the electronic manual is preferred
The online / in-software version of the User Manual is better than a print or PDF version for many reasons, including:
- Regular updates - The electronic version keeps up with every new FlexSim release. A printed manual unfortunately goes out of date every four months with each new release of FlexSim. The online manual allows you to also view older versions of the manual.
- Animated GIFs - Animations enhance communication by making it possible to see FlexSim in real time. Animated GIFs won't work in a printed copy.
- Better search - The online version allows you to search the manual using Google. The in-software version also has a search program which is easier than trying to find relevant keywords within a large document.
- Styled and reflowable tables, images, and tip boxes - While these elements look good on the web, print or PDF versions don't always correctly format their placement within the document.
- Better organization - A printed manual won’t always maintain the same organization as the online and in-software manual, making it more difficult to navigate.
- Mini-table of contents - Each topic has easy navigation within each topic via inner-links. A printed or PDF mini-table of contents (found in most topics) can't function as a clickable index, making it difficult to easily skip to relevant sections within a topic.
Printing topics from the User Manual
While we don't recommend printing the entire manual, you can easily print individual topics for later reference.
Print from the online manual
- Visit using your favorite modern web browser.
- Use the table of contents in the left navigation bar to visit the topic you want to print.
- Use the printer button in the upper right of the topic window to print the page:
Print from the in-software manual
- In FlexSim, open the User Manual and browse to the topic you'd like to print.
- Press the 'world' button to open the topic in your web browser.
- Choose the print function inside your web browser - depending on your browser, you may be able to right-click the web page and choose Print, or you can use the keyboard combo Ctrl+P.