
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier suggested Vincent Béchard commented

Develop a rail industry library/module/objects/templates

If FlexSim had a train/rail industry library/module/objects/templates it would be more attractive to people looking for a rail industry simulation tool. I worked on 3 sales in the last 2 years that resulted in them buying AnyLogic for their rail module.

I know FlexSim has everything needed for modeling very well in the rail industry with the AVG module and ProcessFlow but unfortunately, when someone is shopping, being shown the capabilities is not the same as having them neatly packaged with the correct object shapes, names and parameters.

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Michael Machado avatar image
Michael Machado commented

Please, guys, visit It's a beta version but we hope to release the first release by the end of May.

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Michael Machado avatar image Michael Machado commented ·

Hi @Mehdi K2

Any new suggestions, features, or recommendations, please e-mail [email protected]. Thanks.

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Patrick Cloutier avatar image Patrick Cloutier commented ·

Wow. That's awesome Michael. Thanks.

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Mehdi K2 avatar image Mehdi K2 commented ·

This is very good news!

Please Also consider the Depot Technology.


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Vincent Béchard avatar image Vincent Béchard commented ·

Hi! I tried the Railworks library, it's really awesome.

Will it be embedded in the core Flexsim, or will users have to pay extra fee to have it? I am still trying to figure out how to convince potential buyers to go with Flexsim even for rails. So far, if the cost of Flexsim+Railworks is similar to Anylogic, it's possible to convince. Otherwise potential buyers will continue to go with Anylogic!

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Vincent Béchard avatar image
Vincent Béchard commented

Very good idea, @Patrick Cloutier. I recently witnessed this fact: some of my contacts decided to purchase Anylogic because of its fantastic Rail Library. I used that library myself, it is really awesome.

When I needed to model rail systems, I combined networks, AGVs ans task sequences. It did the job, but, by experience, not as easily as with Anylogic's Rail library. But with today's AGV library in Flexsim and considering the old Rail API, I think Flexsim is close to having a competitive built-in rail library. Several major engineering companies I worked with would have probably gone with Flexsim if a built-in rail library existed....

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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·

FlexSim already have a rail library in FlexTerm to simulate the container terminal. FlexSim has not included it in FlexSim (GP).

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Mehdi K2 avatar image Mehdi K2 David Seo commented ·

hi @Seung Yong Seo,

What's the different feature with Railworks which @Michael Machado announced?

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