I'd like to suggest a small and easy to implement improvement to the Code Editor, show the node path in its status bar:
This feature is very helpful in the models where there are many objects with the same structure but different names, or when the code nodes are hidden deep within the model tree. This UI area is not used anyway.
It can be improved one step further by adding an "Explore as Tree" button: useful when you're editing a command, but want to go and update its documentation string or type signature (sibling nodes in the tree), or to find the object you're editing.
Currently I add this feature by monkey patching the FlexSim tree in a custom module by adding a node VIEW:/standardviews/code/CodeEditor/BottomButtons/Nodepath (XML attached) after VIEW:/standardviews/code/CodeEditor/BottomButtons/Sampler.
It would be nice to have it in the default FlexSim installation. Hopefully, it can be added before the next beta, and so may end up in 2023.