
Lars Jacobsen avatar image
Lars Jacobsen suggested Lars Jacobsen commented

Get BasicFR and BasicTE back in the standard library

In FlexSim 25.0, BasicFR and BasicTE have been removed from the standard 3d library. I am using them a lot when I teach FlexSim. Please vote to restored them in the standard 3d library.

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Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image Patrick Zweekhorst commented ·
I would love to have it back in the library, it is actually one of my most used objects. And indeed we also use it in the training.
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Lars Jacobsen avatar image
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Lars Jacobsen commented

I am using it in Core Training, slide 79. It shows the internal logic of a processor. By using a BasicFR and the Object Process Flow "Processor With Operator", it explains how to use process flow to build a processor - or any other object.

It is a great tool to explain the inner workings of a 3D processor - and how to bridge the gap between the standard 3D objects and custom 3D objects using Process Flow

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David Seo avatar image
David Seo commented

If there was a purpose for removing it in the library tab, why not make it function like a legacy conveyor?

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Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image Patrick Zweekhorst commented ·

This post has the reason on why it was removed:

Basic FR Object Missing 25.0 - FlexSim Community

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie commented

@Lars Jacobsen @Patrick Zweekhorst Could you give us more information about how you're using those objects? How do you use it in training?

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Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image Patrick Zweekhorst commented ·
We use it a lot when we switch from modelling with 3D only to teaching about ProcessFlow. In combination with ProcessFlow we recommend them to either use a queue or a BasicFr as an object to add logic to. Even with very simple ProcessFlow it is super useful to tell them about the BasicFr
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Lars Jacobsen avatar image
Lars Jacobsen commented

My customers have now started complaining about this change. I have seen Phil Bobo's explanation and I do not agree that it simplifies learning for most users. It complicates learning instead.

Please let me know when you will restore these 2 objects in the standard library.

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Parker S avatar image
Parker S commented

@Lars Jacobsen @David Seo @Patrick Zweekhorst

The BasicFR and BasicTE will be brought back to the standard library in the next bugfix for 25.0.

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Jonah K avatar image
Jonah K commented

This has been reintroduced in version 25.0.4 released today. Thank you for your feedback!

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Thanks a lot!!!
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