
Marc R5 avatar image
Marc R5 suggested Jason Lightfoot edited

Reverse runtime to create a pull system


I would like to suggest a new dev on flexsim regarding the ability to run on reverse the simulation to be able to create pull system based on a demand table.

For example, based on a set of departures, I would like to know when the material should arrive and when the fabrication might start to be able to fullfil the departure schedule.

That, with a reverse option of the runtime would give me the possibility to run as usual or on reverse depending on the scenario.

Best regards,

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Patrick Cloutier avatar image
1 Like"
Patrick Cloutier commented

I have built a model of a factory which operates in Pull logic starting from the schedule of trucks who come to pick up finished goods. I used the standard FlexSim logic except that the flow is controlled by ROPs (re-order points) and ROQs (re-order quantities) so products only flow to the next step when they are required (or authorized) to do so.

I have recently created this video overview of the model:

Link to video of a model

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel commented

If you optimize a model by Optquest to aim for a exact stay time, you get your desired result in a classic forward approach.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot commented Jason Lightfoot edited

You can do this yourself, just model the process in reverse and record all the events as the model startdatetime -time (where the start datetime is actually your completion date/time)

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