
Iago MF avatar image
Iago MF suggested Iago MF commented

AGV Network - ISO 3691-4


The recent ISO 3691-4 standard states that if an AGV/AMR is going to resume its motion, it should apply a signaling time of 2 seconds before starting to move if it has been stopped for more than 10 seconds, for any reason (such as traffic blocks, loading and unloading of objects, etc.).

Several clients have requested this functionality. Currently, we solve this by listening to the states in which the AGV will be stopped (blocked, loading, etc.) and generate a token that waits for the AGV's state to change to any travel state. If this second event occurs 10 or more seconds after token generation, a stop object code is sent to the AGV, and then it resumes after 2 seconds (I have also tested with a preempt delay task sequence). Although this approach is partially functional, it introduces some errors that appear in the simulation under exceptional situations.

Therefore, considering that this is a standard that will need to be applied in almost all AGV systems, I believe it would be interesting to have this functionality directly implemented in the AGV network module.

Thanks in advance!

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1 Comment

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel commented

@Iago MF, have you considered to implement it a level deeper of FlexSim logic structure?
Perhaps this delay is a typical approach for the event list. You need naturally a counter for applying a delay. And you need a flag to indicate that this delay has been applied already. Then you can delay events of objects.

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Iago MF avatar image Iago MF commented ·

I didn't know about this. I will explore this option.

Thanks Joerg

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