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Nil Ns suggested

Accumulation Deadlock


I have noticed that the “Check for Deadlock” only works for deadlocks of allocating CP, not for when it works with accumulation.

I think it would be a great idea for deadlocks created by accumulation to also be marked.

In some models, I have created a logic using the “OnStopAccumulation” trigger where it looks if the front AGV is blocked, if it is, it looks at why it is. If it is due to accumulation, it looks at the one in front. If it is due to CP or Area, it looks at who has allocated this point and if it is blocked, why it is.

If it reaches the same AGV, it jumps like a deadlock, but I think it would be very good if FlexSim included it automatically within the AGV network.

Thank you very much.

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