
Anutt K avatar image
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Anutt K suggested Jason Lightfoot edited

Sharing Solution : Find Stay of each Flow Item by using Global Table.


This solution is way to find each Flow Item (each every flow item) by using Global Table to collecting data. I has attached model here. Enjoy :)

StayTime each Item_autosave.fsm

zonestaytimestay time
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot commented Jason Lightfoot edited

An Item Trace Gantt chart installed as a collector will give you the data for this and offer the option of tracking the items through multiple objects:


From here a simple query or calculated table can give you the staytime of each throughout the process.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel commented

@Anutt K, you cannot know, but such feature had been inside of FlexSim in the past. It had been part of the statistics menu. In general you can achieve it by custom analyzing an event log.

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