
Lucas Z avatar image
Lucas Z suggested Phil BoBo edited

Stacking window tabs instead of removing the window names

Currently, if you have many windows open (processflows, commands, tables, etc.) and the width exceeds the window width, then names are removed to only leave the icons. I suppose the idea is then to use the dropdown menu on the side to select the correct tab when switching. I would personnally prefer it if the tabs go stacked, so I could still find the correct one without having to use the dropdown menu.

Example: I have some windows open:


And I open another thing, then it becomes like this:


But I would prefer it as follows (excuse my paint skills):


Maybe some people prefer it as it is now, so perhaps it could be a checkbox option in the preferences somewhere?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

In such cases I start to dock windows vertically. I put them in groups of similar size. I think additionally there is still a tool tip by their icons view.

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Lucas Z avatar image Lucas Z Joerg Vogel commented ·
The tooltip is something nice to know, I will certainly try to use that.

Stacking windows vertically is something I that is not so useful for me since the best overview I get by using the full height of the screen (rows in a table, programming, processflows flowing from top to bottom).

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Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo commented Phil BoBo edited

If you want to pick the tab by name, press the dropdown arrow that displays a list of the tabs by name:


If one extra click to get a nice dropdown menu of open tab names is too much effort, then you are welcome to use the Module SDK to modify FlexSim's UI to your liking.

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