
Clair A avatar image
Clair A suggested Clair A edited

User manual: add tutorial models available for download

In general, that would be a value added for our leads & users if the corrected models were available for download for each tutorial. That helps a new user to compare if he has built the model correctly. Some tutorials also act as demo models, you can download the tutorial model to check if this tutorial really matches the features you want to learn / build.

In some competitive software, like Anylogic, you can download the corrected model for each tutorial phase.



If FlexSim wants to improve the quality of tutorials, please add a link to download the corrected model for each tutorial in the user manual.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

you need two sets of tutorials.

  • Set one contains completed models.
  • Set two doesn't.

This is because some users teach with tutorial models for there own exercises in schools in universities.

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Clair A avatar image Clair A Joerg Vogel commented ·

That's the case whith the textbook Applied Simulation: Modeling and Analysis using FlexSim. Students have no access to the corrected models. The teacher can download the corrected models.

Tutorials are designed to let anybody learn the software. Tutorials are not a resource dedicated for academic use only. I don't think we should have two sets of tutorials.

I also teach simulation in schools. At the beginning the students start with some tutorials, and they can download the models if they need to compare if they did wrong or right. At the end of my course, I give them a simulation exercise where obviously they can't download the corrected model.

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