
Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel suggested Brandon Peterson edited

Search Topics in the database of the old community forum

The old Forum contains still Topics and solutions still fitting to problems users ask here. If a user uses the search, there should be a section containing possible matching post in the old forum.

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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson commented

That would definitely be awesome, but it will probably never happen. This new community is a 3rd party solution, AnswerHub by Dzone - not a custom community built and maintained by FlexSim. Dzone would need to build in that sort of 'external search' feature to the platform in order for us to take advantage of it

Eventually a lot of the material at the old forum will become aged and out of date. However, as @Jörg Vogel mentions, there is still much content there that is current and valid.

For now we'll have to content ourselves with searching in two places. If you don't find what you need by first searching here at, you could choose to search the old forum as well.

If you're an altruistic sort with time to spare, feel free to post your question, and the answer you found on the old forum, here on the new community for others to benefit from.

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