
Jon Abbott avatar image
Jon Abbott suggested Jon Abbott commented

Add Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn keyboard shortcuts to switch between code editor tabs

It would be useful to have keyboard shortcuts to switch between code editor tabs. I would propose Ctrl-PgUp to switch one tab to the left and Ctrl-PgDn to switch one tab to the right, as it is used by Firefox, Chrome, etc. I see from the comments that this has already been implemented as Ctrl-Tab/Ctrl-Shift-Tab, but it would still be useful to support Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn as an alternative. Thanks.

code editorkeyboard shortcut
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Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie commented

The following has been implemented for FlexSim 17.2:

  1. Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDn are keyboard shortcuts for switching tabs forwards and backwards.
  2. Switching tabs loops around.
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Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson commented

Ctrl-Tab (move right) and Ctrl-Shift-Tab (move left) are already implemented in FlexSim.

Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab also work in Firefox, Chrome, Adobe Reader, Notepad++, and many other programs. It also works in FlexSim Properties windows, FlexSim main panels (3D views, tree views, code editor tabs), but NOT tool panels (why not? I'll send it to the dev list).

Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDn also work in Excel. Probably other programs as well? It may be worth doubling up the keyboard shortcuts as Firefox and Chrome do. I'll send that to dev list for consideration as well.

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Adarsh Jeyes avatar image
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Adarsh Jeyes commented

Hi @Jon Abbott,

Switching between code editor tabs (or any tabs) is already possible using keyboard shortcuts.

To switch to next tab (on the right), use: CTRL+TAB To switch to previous tab (on the left), use: CTRL+SHIFT+TAB

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