
Serge A avatar image
Serge A suggested Serge A edited

Throw an exception when the call stack is exhausted, don't crash

To reproduce:

Create a recursive usercommand:

  1. /** recSum */
  2. double n = param(1);
  3. return (n > 1) ? n + recSum(n - 1) : n;

Call recSum(aBigNumber). recSum(400) is enough to crash FlexSim on my machine.

The problems with the current behavior are:

  • Data and unsaved changes are lost.
  • Errors in user code can crash the entire process.
  • Occasionally, FlexSim configuration gets corrupted, and the all subsequent attempts to run FlexSim lead to a crash on start (known workaround: reinstall FlexSim).


  • throw an exception to inform the user
  • unwind the call stack

A similar `recSum(999)` in Python leads to just

  1. RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

A similar `recSum(18000)` in Javascript/nodejs is also safe:

  1. RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
5 |100000

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