
Joe Hugan avatar image
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Joe Hugan suggested Ranggi M commented

AGV Tugger Example

Here is the model I showed at FlexSimposium. It shows three tuggers traveling to various destinations and has a control area modeled to avoid collisions at an intersection.


tugger-example.fsm (159.3 KiB)
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Joe Hugan avatar image
Joe Hugan commented

If you look at the Main Control Loop for the AGV Process Flow, you will see some differences on where the vehicle gets its next work point. In my model, the vehicle is not looking the next look for work point, it is looking at the list from the global table to see where it needs to travel next. This is a fixed route ("milk run") solution for tuggers. I've shown an image of the modified area below...

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Ranggi M avatar image
Ranggi M commented

Hi How do you make the item really loaded behind the avg like tugger visually? I cant find the setting in the model

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