
Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen suggested Axel Kohonen edited

Debugger to stop at next possible line if a breakpoint is inserted on a line that the debugger cannot stop on


Currently the debugger stops on the next possible line if a breakpoint is inserted on an empty line. However, the debugger does not stop at all if a break point is inserted on something else than the last row of a multi-line code like

  1. string adf = "" +
  2. "sdfadf" +
  3. "fffff"; //breakpoint needs to be on this line for the debugger to stop

This is a bit confusing as you think that you have a breakpoint, but in practice the debugger behaves as it there would not be a breakpoint at all.

So if possible I would think it would be more user-friendly for the debugger to stop on the next possible line also in the case of multi-line code. EDIT as suggested by @Mischa Spelt Would be even better if the debugger would stop on the first line in case of multi-line code.


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Mischa Spelt avatar image Mischa Spelt commented ·

Even better would be if the debugger stops on the current statement then, e.g. in the above example a breakpoint on any of the three lines would behave as if it was on the first line.

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