
Claire Krupp avatar image
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Claire Krupp suggested Claire Krupp commented

"Where Used" option to help in debugging

Often when I am debugging a model I am looking at a label value and I can't remember all the places where I have accessed that label. So it is really hard to figure out WHY it has it's current value and WHERE it was changed. The same is true for global variables and tables, and sometimes 3D items.

It's especially difficult if I have not looked at the model in several months, or if I am trying to understand a model which someone else developed.

In other software I could get a "Where Used" report that would list all the Triggers, code blocks or fields (e.g. cycle time) that access that label or variable name. Then I could click on each one to see the code. I would love to have something like that in FlexSim.

triggerscustom codedebugginglabel logic
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo commented

If you open a Tree view, there is a Search section in Quick Properties where you can search for values in your model, such as labels or variable names. When you search, a Find Results window appears that shows you a list of all the places where the search term is used in your model, such as triggers, code blocks, activities, etc.

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