
Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr suggested Arun Kr commented

Kinematics Process Flow Library

Hi Flexsimmers,

The addition of the kinematics commands as activities as a part of process flow which I think will be a great improvement in FlexSim as a new feature. Right now we have to depend on the kinematic commands to create a custom kinematic movement and the commands are having a very large number of parameters which is not easy to remember, time-consuming and difficult for the non-programming type of modelers who rely totally on process flow. So every time when I want to do kinematics I have to go back to the manual and check the kinematic commands and parameters.

Ideally, it will be better if we have separate kinematic activities to perform to the translate, rotate and turn operations in the process flow. And the token once entered the kinematic activities should have a wait till complete feature so that we don't have to calculate the time of completion of a kinematic activity to kick start the next process or the next kinematic activity.

  1. double Time= addkinematic(labelref,x.y,z,rx,ry,rz,0,5,5,Model.time,1);
  2. double KinematicDuration = Time - Model.time;

As a side note right now Flexsim has conveyor item kinematics incorporated as pick list in the conveyor module.

Please share your thoughts on the same


Arun KR

kinematics with process flow
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Brandon Peterson avatar image Brandon Peterson ♦ commented ·

I could see this being done as either pick list options in the "Change Visual" activity or as a group of activities similar to the "Task Sequences" group. It will be interesting to hear from the developers on this.

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Jon Abbott avatar image Jon Abbott commented ·

Hi @Arun KR, please check out the latest beta of FlexSim 2020 Update 2 which adds kinematics to Process Flow:

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Arun Kr avatar image Arun Kr Jon Abbott commented ·

Thanks for notifying me.

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