
Aswadauto avatar image
Aswadauto asked Ben Wilson commented

Consistence Input Time to conveyor from another process

My vertical conveyor has different distance between holder (to hold item) and resulting to different time in output to the another conveyor. How I want to set the consistence input time entering conveyor 2? I would like to set the input to conveyor2 to 2/3/4 s to analyse.

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

If you run the simulation on a slower speed and watch the vertical racks go onto the vertical conveyor, you will see that they all go on in even spacing except for the last two. Those are the ones that throw off the spacing of everything.

If you change the increment to every 3 seconds instead of every 4 seconds then the vertical conveyor rack spacing is more consistent. However, it is still not perfect. Try increasing by .1 seconds if you want it to be spaced out better.

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